Have you ever seen or meet someone and wanted to automatically want to bash their head in?
Or wonder how they are alive?
I have so many times. And it seems to be getting worse.
The first kind of person. That person on your Facebook that posts every little thing. You know that person. “OOOO I took a shower just now. It was great.” Or even better “I went to the store today and bought apples, milk, and meat.” Who the fuck cares what you bought at the store!? Do you want a gold star our something? Or that person who posts that they are going to bed and they “check-in” at their bed. Really? I didn’t know that people went to bed in their actual BED! I thought they slept hanging from the ceiling, like a bat. Or are you trying to let every rapist out there know you are going to be asleep and vulnerable. Quit doing that shit! Which leads me to the next people on Facebook.
The stay at home moms with one kid that post all these things that they do with their one kid like hey look at me I am the best mom ever! When in your head you are saying. “YEA RIGHT! Woman I know you! You couldn’t handle another child. Try it with more than one. See how that works out for you.”
Then those same mom’s post how their child is being bratty and you laugh thinking that’s your fault lady.

O Facebook how I loathe and love thee!

This brings me to the next person that I want to kick in the face.

Those people who are shopping at the store and they are on their cell phone in line! O MY GOD! Hang it up! Pay for your items and get out!
O and the thing that gets me even more irritated at these people. They are in the self check out line! No you can’t carry on a conversation and check yourself out! Those stupid self check outs barely work when you are paying attention much less when you aren’t.
And for those of you that say you can multi-task, you can’t! So stop trying!

The grocery store brings me to the next person. That person who blocks the whole aisle for one little thing! Move your cart! Or better yet just MOVE! Other people would like to shop without hitting your road block! Next time I am going to accidentally ram you with my cart!

My next person to kick are all those people with music systems in their vehicle that shakes my vehicle at a stop light. Why in the name of all that is holy do you need your music up that loud? I have an idea. Pull your head out of your ass and you will be able to hear it!

And what is with these guys wearing their pants down around their ankles and holding their crotches? Do you think your dick is going to suddenly realize how much of a jackass you are and run away? If I were your dick I would run away. And what about your butt? No one wants to see that! Put it away! Your mom is the only one who thinks your butt is cute.

Doctors are next on my list. When a doctor tells you “This will only hurts for a second.” NEVER believe them! It never hurts for just a second. It always hurts to the point you want to scream! And for a second? A second? What world do you live in? A world where a second is really hours? I love the one when a doctor gives you all these odds and tells you what something could be and it freaks you totally out until your next appointment! The asshole!

Next, on my list. Those people in your phone that only contact you when they need something. Then when you delete their number and they text you or call you and you answer with who is this? And they get all offended like you should know. Pfft! I don’t want to know! That is why I deleted your number!

Brings me to my next set of idiots. Those that text and drive. STOP IT NOW! If you can’t check out at the grocery store and talk. You can’t handle a car and text. I swear I am going to make a sign I can hold up when I see people texting and driving. Honk and hold up the sign that reads. PAY ATTENTION TO THE ROAD ASSWIPE I ALMOST TOTALED YOUR CAR!

All these people I encountered today. They just made me mad! I wish we could round up those that lack the brain cells to function in decent society and kill them all or at least put them in one place so they won’t bother the rest of us.

End of my rant. I promise. I hope everyone has an easy rest of the week.
